Felicia Faith

Felicia is a full of life go-getter that takes life by the horns. Originally born and raised in a small city in Wyoming she always knew that there was a lot more out there to be conquered. Being a survivor of a rare form of Sarcoma in her leg really drove this home for her and is what fuels her passion for helping others.
Currently, Felicia lives in the suburbs of the big city of Chicago, where she is a full-time working mom and wife. She has taken her education in Business & Marketing and applied it to not only her professional career but also to create and build her own business around fun, helping others and being as real as real can be.
Felicia has a passion for helping others to obtain their individual health and fitness goals through personalized 1 to 1 coaching as well as mentoring her team in growing their own businesses. She also enjoys volunteering with different organizations, public speaking, being a brand ambassador and advocating for Sarcoma awareness.
When not focused on business, you will find her spending time with her kiddos, attending any kind of hockey event, and traveling.
Being a full-time career mom is a lot of work! My three kids mean the world to me, but I also know that focusing on myself is vital to being a great mom. I want to help and to show all moms that they are important and that they can still be amazing while living out their dreams!

My transformation is not one that has the biggest amount of weight loss. Mine is about how I transformed from the inside out. Once I found my support system, or what I like to call my tribe, is when my transformation really began. I now have all the tools and support that I need to be as fit as I can be both inside and out. I know that I am worth it and girl… so are you!
Growing up in a small city in Wyoming, I always knew that there was so much more to this big old world. Although scary, I took life by the horns and through a lot of work, have been driven to achieve all that I could. I have a career located in Chicago and my own business that I am so passionate about. I truly am an example of a small-town girl who knew this world was bigger than you can imagine, yet always remembering where I come from.

After being misdiagnosed several times, in her early 20’s, Felicia was diagnosed with a Sarcoma called Adamantinoma. This meant that she had an 8-inch malignant tumor growing inside of the Tibia in her right leg. As such, she had a 14-hour surgery that entailed completely reconstructing her leg. This, as you can imagine, brought along many years of rehabilitation and is a huge part of what fuels her passion for advocacy as well as helping others reach their own health and fitness goals.
Felicia truly is an example of “define your limits”. Even though she has some physical limitations, she does not let that stop her. This only means that her journey to get to a destination just might look a little different. In the past year, she has become a multiple 5k finisher and one of her biggest obstacles that she overcame was climbing all 103 flights of stairs to the top of the Willis Tower in Chicago. Which she conquered in just 27 minutes.

Felicia also has a deep passion for motivating and inspiring others through public speaking. Whether that is with small groups or to hundreds of people at one time. She truly enjoys sharing her story and journey thus far to create awareness for many platforms and remind those that they can do whatever they set their mind to. If anyone can inspire and motivate you it is for sure Felicia!
Not only is Felicia a hockey mom she is a proud goalie mom! Her youngest son plays competitive hockey in and around Chicago as well as all over the United States. In March, the family made their first International hockey trip, traveling to Kyrgyzstan, where their son joined a team of players from all over the U.S. to compete. Felicia and her family are avid Blackhawk fans and just enjoy being around any ice rink and anything hockey.